Saturday, October 11, 2008

Triumph in humility...

The amazing account of Jesus' life and ultimate goal takes a big turn this week as He enters Jerusalem on the foal of a donkey. In great humility, the King of Kings comes to Jerusalem to triumph over the powers of darkness by taking away the means that Satan has to condemn us - the debt we I owe for our sins. In Colossians 2 the Bible says that our "record of debt" was nailed to the Lord's cross. It then says that this was how Jesus triumphed over the forces of darkness. The Lord Jesus disarmed the devil by taking our place and paying off the debt we owe.

This is the reason we praise Him - this is the reason we love Him - this is the reason we live for Him!

So do all of that and you too will be a part of the true parade of praise that many throughout history have joined in with. The amazing power of God shown in the most amazingly humble means of our precious Savior coming on a lowly donkey...coming to give His life as a ransom for me and for you....praise Him....He deserves it!

The world usually sees humility as a weakness - however a humble slave of Christ can be used in mighty powerful way by our God. We are to live our lives humbly serving Christ and leaving the results to Him- He will do mighty things with someone totally in submission to Him!

Have a great week!
Rod Page

here is a link to the notes from Sunday's lesson...

Saturday, October 4, 2008

No Jealousy - No Prejudice - No Attitude

Today's lesson in Sunday School is one that may seem easy to take for granted. It is one however, that we should not take lightly. It is a great warning to have a godly attitude if our goal is to become a Man of God - someone who fully pleases the Lord.

God is the author of Salvation. God is the author of Grace and Mercy and Rewards and Order - All of these things are from and to Him. What do I mean by that?

He is the source of all of the benefits of salvation and of salvation itself. All of it and even the exact execution of it is meant to lead to God being glorified and worshiped! It is from Him and to Him! He is the great "decider" - the Judge who is perfectly right to make decisions that are perfectly right and we do not have the right to argue with Him! Our idea that we have any rights comes from the flesh that we still deal with everyday. It comes from the evil that is in the worldly thinking. It also comes from the enemy who shouts to us from the broad road daily to think like he does. But God's Word is true! God is the one who does all things right and our job is to be His slave and crucify the flesh and the world and resist the devil with the strength He provides by the Holy Spirit that lives inside us. Everything good we get from God is from Him and it is for His glory and praise.

That is the point of the lesson. We are not to look at others and begrudge God's mercy being given to them. In other words we are not to be jealous of how God blesses other Christians in any way. We are all (real believers, that is) headed to eternity in heaven together. Praise the Lord for that. Thank God for saving you and don't worry about how others get there or how God blesses them now or later. God will reward correctly because only He knows our hearts and why we do the thing we do!

So, have your heart right with God. Agree to let Him be God - it won't matter if you argue or not anyway - He will be God and that is all there is to it! God wants our attitudes though, to be in line with the idea that He is to be submitted to. As one of my sons prayed one night at the tender age of three..."God Is Da Boss". It is not for us to decide who will get saved or in what order or who will be rewarded at all. It is according to His great Grace that any of us are saved at all - so our job is to thank Him for our salvation and maintain lives that are fully submitted to Him and finding our great joy and satisfaction and reason for living fully in Him!

Think on these things - go over the passage - including the part in chapter 19 leading up to chapter 20. Pray and ask God for a thankful heart and serve Him gladly this week!
Pray and read your Bible everyday without fail! Live a life of simple love and hope - thankfulness and praise and be submissive and obedient to your parents. Work hard in school and at home and at play!

Love in Christ
Rod Page

Below is the link to the notes from Sunday's lesson!