Saturday, June 27, 2009

Intelligent Design Video - Unlocking the Mystery of Life

The video below shows without a doubt the wondrous workings of God in creating things that are so complex they are called irreducibly complex. Something that is irreducibly complex means that without all of its parts working together the whole system stops working. In other words the whole thing is so dependent on each of its parts they never could have evolved a step at a time - the evolutionary model makes no sense and then collapses under the evidence.
Evolution is a lie based on a theory that blind chance produces change that makes simple life turn into complex life - this kind of creation information makes this theory impossible. If Darwin would have had an inkling of the wonder inside the cells of our bodies I have to wonder if he ever would have written such a lame book!

The assignment for this week is this:
1. What Bible verses complement this video?
2. What does the truth of God's Word tell us about the way we are made?
3. From the lesson at church - how are we different from animals?
4. What makes a family?
5. Why did God bring the animals to Adam before creating Eve?
6. In whose image did God create man in Genesis 1:26-27
7. What is our responsibility from Genesis 1:28?
8. What does Genesis 2:7 add to the creation account?

Have a great week - as you study God's Word and worship and obey and enjoy Him!
in Christ,
Rod Page

Thursday, June 25, 2009


Here is the first installment in the Summer Challenge '09!

Here are some questions to work on this week to review last weeks lesson
in Genesis 1.

Fact Questions....
1. What existed “in the beginning”?
2. If God existed before the creation, where did He come from? When was
God created?
3. How long did God take to complete the creation?
4. What did God make on each day of the week?

Thinking Questions...
1. Why is it important to know that the God we worship is the creator?
2. Is it important to know that Genesis is a literal account? Why or why not?
3. How does a literal view of Genesis differ than the worldly one?

Bonus Question:
1. According to Colossians 1:14-17 Who created everything?

Note to parents: The first four questions are fairly easy for all grades. The
last four will require some more help especially in grades one through three.

Either email the answers you and your child come up with or print them out
and answer them and bring them on Sunday for a special prize.

Monday, June 22, 2009

The Summer Challenge 2009!

I am re-activating this blog for Calvary Chapel Redding's Children's Ministry for 1st through 6th grades. It is also now for boys and girls and our new articles for the summer will have to do with the Summer Challenge 2009!

What is the summer challenge all about? Let me count the ways....

1. A little extra motivation to use the summer months wisely as parents and students.

2. Bring in interesting articles that will spur us on to deeper study and investigation!

3. To work together to bring our children first to saving faith in Christ and then, to equip them together towards maturity!

Very basic I know - but you might find it interesting over the course of these next couple of months to be made aware just how many churches (who are well intentioned) are not assisting in this endeavor but actually are part of the problem.