Saturday, October 11, 2008

Triumph in humility...

The amazing account of Jesus' life and ultimate goal takes a big turn this week as He enters Jerusalem on the foal of a donkey. In great humility, the King of Kings comes to Jerusalem to triumph over the powers of darkness by taking away the means that Satan has to condemn us - the debt we I owe for our sins. In Colossians 2 the Bible says that our "record of debt" was nailed to the Lord's cross. It then says that this was how Jesus triumphed over the forces of darkness. The Lord Jesus disarmed the devil by taking our place and paying off the debt we owe.

This is the reason we praise Him - this is the reason we love Him - this is the reason we live for Him!

So do all of that and you too will be a part of the true parade of praise that many throughout history have joined in with. The amazing power of God shown in the most amazingly humble means of our precious Savior coming on a lowly donkey...coming to give His life as a ransom for me and for you....praise Him....He deserves it!

The world usually sees humility as a weakness - however a humble slave of Christ can be used in mighty powerful way by our God. We are to live our lives humbly serving Christ and leaving the results to Him- He will do mighty things with someone totally in submission to Him!

Have a great week!
Rod Page

here is a link to the notes from Sunday's lesson...

Saturday, October 4, 2008

No Jealousy - No Prejudice - No Attitude

Today's lesson in Sunday School is one that may seem easy to take for granted. It is one however, that we should not take lightly. It is a great warning to have a godly attitude if our goal is to become a Man of God - someone who fully pleases the Lord.

God is the author of Salvation. God is the author of Grace and Mercy and Rewards and Order - All of these things are from and to Him. What do I mean by that?

He is the source of all of the benefits of salvation and of salvation itself. All of it and even the exact execution of it is meant to lead to God being glorified and worshiped! It is from Him and to Him! He is the great "decider" - the Judge who is perfectly right to make decisions that are perfectly right and we do not have the right to argue with Him! Our idea that we have any rights comes from the flesh that we still deal with everyday. It comes from the evil that is in the worldly thinking. It also comes from the enemy who shouts to us from the broad road daily to think like he does. But God's Word is true! God is the one who does all things right and our job is to be His slave and crucify the flesh and the world and resist the devil with the strength He provides by the Holy Spirit that lives inside us. Everything good we get from God is from Him and it is for His glory and praise.

That is the point of the lesson. We are not to look at others and begrudge God's mercy being given to them. In other words we are not to be jealous of how God blesses other Christians in any way. We are all (real believers, that is) headed to eternity in heaven together. Praise the Lord for that. Thank God for saving you and don't worry about how others get there or how God blesses them now or later. God will reward correctly because only He knows our hearts and why we do the thing we do!

So, have your heart right with God. Agree to let Him be God - it won't matter if you argue or not anyway - He will be God and that is all there is to it! God wants our attitudes though, to be in line with the idea that He is to be submitted to. As one of my sons prayed one night at the tender age of three..."God Is Da Boss". It is not for us to decide who will get saved or in what order or who will be rewarded at all. It is according to His great Grace that any of us are saved at all - so our job is to thank Him for our salvation and maintain lives that are fully submitted to Him and finding our great joy and satisfaction and reason for living fully in Him!

Think on these things - go over the passage - including the part in chapter 19 leading up to chapter 20. Pray and ask God for a thankful heart and serve Him gladly this week!
Pray and read your Bible everyday without fail! Live a life of simple love and hope - thankfulness and praise and be submissive and obedient to your parents. Work hard in school and at home and at play!

Love in Christ
Rod Page

Below is the link to the notes from Sunday's lesson!

Saturday, September 27, 2008

True Salvation

Are you really saved?  That is the question for this week!  If we rely on any possession we have instead of on the mercy and grace of Jesus Christ, our foundation is like quick sand.  Our salvation is based on repentance that is granted by God in His mercy.  He is the one to open the blind eyes we are born with to the truth of our sin and the Salvation that is in Christ through the sacrifice of His life for ours on the Cross!  Our "accepting" of Him, is because of His mercy alone - because He has drawn us and given us a heart to seek Him in the first place.  

Examine yourself to see whether you are in the faith....II Corinthians 13:5!

Without this being settled in your mind and heart - there is simply nothing else to talk about!

With it being settled - the door to the kingdom of God is wide open and every good promise of the Book is available to you!

Study over the notes at the link below - to study just means you need to go over something many times until you really "know" it inside and out!  Chew the nourishment out of the Word and this will feed your faith! Have a great week in Christ!

Saturday, September 20, 2008

Hey Boys,
Below is the link to the notes from Sunday's lesson - email questions or comments -

Verse of the day....
Joshua 1:9 Have I not commanded you? Be strong and courageous. Do not be frightened, and do not be dismayed, for the LORD your God is with you wherever you go."

Have a great week - worship Him, study His Word - pray to Him (using His Word as a guide)
and then go out and Do It!

Love ya all,
Mr. Page

Saturday, September 13, 2008

Notes for Sunday 9-14-08

Above are the notes for this weeks lesson - the significance of Jesus revealing Himself to the disciples fulfills the previous teaching of Jesus in Matthew 11 that the Father would reveal the truth about who He was to those of His choosing.  

Also - the incredible plan of God for Jesus to die for our sins was not to be stopped - Peter would not get in the way and the desire of the people to make Jesus King by force would not be helped in anyway by Jesus either - as we see in this lesson. Jesus goes away by himself with the disciples into Caesarea-Philippi and there He reveals exactly who He is and then expounds on the life of a true disciple. 

The high cost of discipleship is impossible without the grace of God giving us the knowledge about how much God loves us, and in the facts of the finished work of Christ in the plan of redemption defeating our enemy and putting an end to death for all who would believe.  Through salvation we have Jesus Himself by the Holy Spirit living in us - enabling, strengthening, teaching, comforting - everything we need for life and godliness.

Now, that is powerful stuff!

God Bless, boys - Have a great week - spend time reading over and letting the truths of this text sink in and change you.  In prayer, thank God for what He has done for you in each of the parts of this lesson.  As God puts His Word in your heart your faith will grow along with your confidence in Him, your obedience will increase and you will be on your way to becoming real men of God!  To God be the praise! 


Rod Page

Saturday, September 6, 2008

Sunday School Notes 9-7-08

Here is a link to the notes we went over in the lesson for Sunday 9-7-08

Reminder: how are you doing with memorizing the books of the Bible? Prizes anyone?
Let me know if you have completed them....

Also, take time each week to go through the Biblical text from the lesson on Sunday - this will help cement the truths of God's Word into your mind. Pray and ask God to work on the areas of your life that don't match up - this will cement those things in your heart! It will also put you in a position of putting your faith and trust in God to help you - as we can do nothing by ourselves that pleases God, but by His Spirit through prayer and study of God's Word our faith in Him will be built up and we will grow up and become mature, one day at a time.

Also, encourage others to do this. Now is the time to begin to carve out regular time away from play and school work and family chores to be alone with Jesus - worshiping Him, studying the Bible and praying for yourself and your family and your friends. When you begin to do this regularly you will want to share your increasing desire to please the Lord with your friends at church.

What God is calling you to do at this time in your life is to get prepared for life by growing strong in the Lord and having Him begin to work in you - on the inside. Your decisions now will become part of your routine of life - and godly habits can be the foundations of lives that will bring much glory to God and will result in a fruitful life. Spending time on too much entertainment like video games and movies or music or anything that dominates your everyday life will rob you of the joy of loving and serving and enjoying God for all that He is.

Thanks for reading - Have a great week!
Rod Page

Wednesday, September 3, 2008

Look Ahead

Hey - any future man of God reading this out there?  If you are - read up on Sunday's lesson - open your Bible and read Matthew 14:22-34.
Notice these things:
1. Note the major events of the day Jesus walked on water
2. Describe what happened when Peter tried walking on the water
3. What can you learn from this passage?

See ya on Sunday guys!

Saturday, August 9, 2008

Who is on the Lord's Side

Today's lesson is putting things on the line. There is no neutral position. If you want just power in this life then you can get it from many sources.

Make a lot of money and you can have the fleeting pleasures and powers that money can give you. You will lose your soul if you give it to the love of money. You can also link up with Satan and there is a real measure of power there also - but the end is disaster - the Lord Jesus will judge all including the powerful and dangerous Satan - he and his followers will be punished in hell forever - that is indeed scary but the real truth.

The real and ultimate power in the universe is found in the life changing and saving power of the Gospel of Jesus Christ. The thing is - you can't be neutral about Him. If you continue to resist the work of the Holy Spirit that convicts us of sin and leads to the truth of who Jesus Christ is - you will find that you are on the side of Satan himself anyway. To continue to reject and resist the Holy Spirit is the same as "blaspheming" the Holy Spirit and that is the only sin that is unforgivable - it is also the one sin that will keep you from even asking for forgiveness.

Instead, we need to "own" the truth of Jesus for ourselves. We need to submit to, to love on, and confess that Jesus is Lord - we need to make Him our Lord and Savior and find in Him all of our real joy and blessing and strength. He is indeed worthy - He indeed is great and mighty to save!

Spend some time this week going over the text of today's lesson.
Remember to review the books of the Bible.

Pray for your family, friends and your church family as well. Take time to worship the Lord as you think on all that He has done and will do for you.
Find creative ways to help your parents and family around the house. Next time you are supposed to do something that is a little hard - shock your parents - do it with a smile!
Also, take time to worship and really enjoy God - sing to Him! You will be blessed for it!

See ya next week - Lord Willing
Rod Page
Here is the link to the Sunday School Notes

Monday, August 4, 2008

SS Notes

see the notes for the current SS lesson at

you can always email me at

Sunday, August 3, 2008

thanks for coming...

thanks guys for coming to our boys only YCBM party - please read through the article below and write me via email with comments or questions ....I would love to hear from you.  ]
enjoy the rest of today and once again, thanks for coming
Rod Page

Saturday, August 2, 2008

Welcome Young Christians to YCBM!

This blog was created for the "edification" (or, building up in the faith) of the Young Christians in the 4th-6th grade classes of CCR (Calvary Chapel Redding)   

It is your teachers' desire to point you to the powerful Word of God for equipping and encouraging and maturing as you face the challenges of growing into powerful men of God in these last days.  

Please feel free to email us your questions or comments or prayer requests - we would love to hear from you and respond to you either in writing or by remembering to pray for specific requests.  

We will introduce the idea behind the name YCBM at the "Boys Only" party Sunday 08/03/08 after church.  If you are unable to attend please email for an update on what we discussed. 

Everything on this site revolves around the YCBM concept - it is not for public knowledge - it is for you and your parents only to know about.  So, please keep this blog confidential but be sure to respond to it ok? 

Here is your first assignment!  Whether or not your are leaving our class for higher learning or not you are to memorize the books of the Bible - no excuses - no whimps - we are not letting any member of this blog get off on this assignment - we may have optional stuff later on but this is not optional!  There will be re numeration (look it up) that you will like!  

All for now - 

More instructions to follow - 

Remember the key verse from Sunday 08.03.08  - Romans 1:16 - Memorize it - Live it!  Thank God for it!

all for now 