Saturday, September 6, 2008

Sunday School Notes 9-7-08

Here is a link to the notes we went over in the lesson for Sunday 9-7-08

Reminder: how are you doing with memorizing the books of the Bible? Prizes anyone?
Let me know if you have completed them....

Also, take time each week to go through the Biblical text from the lesson on Sunday - this will help cement the truths of God's Word into your mind. Pray and ask God to work on the areas of your life that don't match up - this will cement those things in your heart! It will also put you in a position of putting your faith and trust in God to help you - as we can do nothing by ourselves that pleases God, but by His Spirit through prayer and study of God's Word our faith in Him will be built up and we will grow up and become mature, one day at a time.

Also, encourage others to do this. Now is the time to begin to carve out regular time away from play and school work and family chores to be alone with Jesus - worshiping Him, studying the Bible and praying for yourself and your family and your friends. When you begin to do this regularly you will want to share your increasing desire to please the Lord with your friends at church.

What God is calling you to do at this time in your life is to get prepared for life by growing strong in the Lord and having Him begin to work in you - on the inside. Your decisions now will become part of your routine of life - and godly habits can be the foundations of lives that will bring much glory to God and will result in a fruitful life. Spending time on too much entertainment like video games and movies or music or anything that dominates your everyday life will rob you of the joy of loving and serving and enjoying God for all that He is.

Thanks for reading - Have a great week!
Rod Page

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